01 Overview

Rotating anode X-ray tube for mobile C-arms for surgical and cardiac applications.
Superior high voltage stability for longer fluoro procedures.

02 Characteristics

IAE Tubes Focal Spots KW Rating Diam Angle Mat KJ KHU KVP Housing Tech Data
X20P 0.3/0.6 5/17 64 10° RTM 150 200 130 Tank/C30 X20P 0.3_0.6


• TZM target with large thermal capacity
• Focal track in tungsten-rhenium alloy to prevent cracking
• High thermal emittance oxide coating on anode and rotor provides high anode heat dissipation rate
• HV stability allows longer fluoro procedures
• Severe tests during conditioning assure best performances


Maximum peak voltage 130 kV
Anode angle and diameter 10° – 64 mm
Maximum anode dissipation 300 W (24000 HU/min)
Anode heat storage capacity 150 kJ (200 kHU)
Rotating anode speed 3000 rpm





03 Brochure