01 Overview

Rotating anode X-ray tube specifically designed for diagnostic procedures in mammography.

02 Characteristics

IAE Tubes Focal Spots kW Rating Diam Angle Mat kJ kHU kVP Housing Tech Data
XM15 0.1/0.3 1.15/9 80 15° Mo 225 300 40 C339C/C339V/C339E/C340V XM15 01_0.3


• Metal center section
• Molibdenum doped target
• Reduced thermal stress on the bearings improves tube life duration
• Severe tests during conditioning assure best performance


Nominal X-ray tube voltage 40 kV
Anode angle and diameter 15° – 80 mm
Maximum anode dissipation 500 W (40000 HU/min)
Anode heat storage capacity 225 kJ (300 kHU)
Rotating anode speed 3000 – 10000 rpm


Max emission current
sF – 35 mA – 25 kV
LF – 140 mA – 25 kV


C339E lateral HV and LV sockets, VARIAN version
C339C coaxial HV and LV sockets, COMET version
C339V coaxial HV and LV sockets, VARIAN version

03 Brochure